Rekey Locks
Firstly, we’ll try to explain what it means to “rekey” a lock. And, more importantly, when you should go for rekeying your locks rather than changing them? What is the significance of this, you may be surprised to know the details. Because it can save you a enough amount of money each year. Some locksmiths take advantage of the fact that people are unaware of the differences and, rather than explaining the different options to the customer,they choose a more expensive version for them.
What does it mean to re-keying a lock?
While “changing a lock” is self-explanatory, clearly referring to replacing an old lock with a new one, “re-keying” requires a little more explanation. Rekeying a lock means changing the lock’s working key to a different key without replacing the lock itself. In other words, you maintain the same lock, but the old key no longer works for it.
This is accomplished by disassembling the lock and replacing some of the internal components (known as “tumblers” or “key pins”).
Process of re-keying
The process of re-keying the tumbler of an existing lock to accept a new key is relatively simple. First, we replace a few of the lock pins in the cylinder, which will cause the tumbler to change. Following that, we trimmed new keys to open your rekeyed lock. The old keys will no longer work once the lock has been rekeyed.
Re-keying a lock has no effect on the lock’s security, nor does it improve it. The number of pins inside a lock is one of the factors that contribute to its security. The lock will remain as secure as before as long as the locksmith replaces the old 5 pins with 5 new ones. Because key pins in locks are so inexpensive, re-keying is often less expensive than having your locks changed. When you rekey your locks, you are only charged for labor. Whereas when you have your locks changed, you are charged for both labor and parts.
One thing to remember is that all locks have the ability to be re-keyed built-in, so you shouldn’t have to wonder as to if your locks are re-keyingable or not. However, the procedure for re-keying different locks may not be the same and frequently necessitates the use of other tools.
Why should you opt for re-keying the locks on your home?

No. 1: When moving into a new home:
It would not be okay if you believed that the previous owners, tenants, and landlords had also turned in all copies of the locks and would not abuse access to your residence. Re-keying your locks ensures that your home is secure and that you are the only person who has access to the keys.
No. 2: When you misplace a key:
If anybody misplaces or steals a key. Having an unexplained key to one’s home means less peace of mind. Re-keying is a less expensive and equally secure alternative to changing locks.
No. 3: You want to prevent someone who has the key to enter:
When someone tries to move out of your house, you should rekey the locks. If you have a roommate who is leaving, you have no idea how so many keys he or she made or who has some of these keys. It is critical that your locks be re-keyed so that they no longer be available to your residence and possessions.
No. 4: When someone that had a copy of your key:
Having a falling out with someone who had a duplicate of your key. Friendships and other relationships, unfortunately, end. If you gave a backup key to someone you no longer have a trusting relationship. We recommend that you rekey all of your locks and have new keys cut.

Commercial Lock Re-keying
There are numerous reasons for commercial lock rekeying. A change in staff, getting a new location, getting new locks, and many more! No matter the reason, the experts at EZ Locksmith can rekey your locks at any commercial location.
No matter the reason, the experts at EZ Locksmith can rekey your locks at any commercial location. Just call us, and we’ll get the situation sorted out! We are serving in Surrey, Langley, Coquitlam, White Rock, Maple Ridge, Richmond and more, in BC.
When is the best time to change your locks?
- If you moved into a new area or new location. Also, your locks are old and rusted, you might need to replace them with newer, more attractive locks.
- When you want to improve your security by switching to high-security locks or access control systems, accordingly.
- So, if it suits for you to go for a rekey, look no further. Ask EZ locksmith right away for the finest locksmith services in the town!